Luna de Polonia

A Dominika.                                                             To Dominika

Triste estaba la luna                                                  Sad was the moon
Tras las nubes su tristeza                                          Behind the clouds its sadness
Ocultaba                                                                    Hide
Mostrarse no quería                                                  Show his face she doesn’t want
Antes de que tu estuvieras.                                      Before you been there
Triste estaba la luna                                                  Sad was the moon
En su redonda cara                                                      In her round face
Ni la más mínima sonrisa                                          Not even a tiny smile
Se mostrara.                                                               Be showed
Así de triste estaba                                                    So sad she was
Antes de que tú vinieras                                           Before you come
Melancólica se mostraba.                                         So melancholy she was
Triste estaba la luna                                                  Sad was the moon
Casi del cielo cayera                                                Almost from the sky fall
Casi la honda pena                                                   Almost by a deep sad
La matara.                                                                  Was killed
Se marchita melancólica                                            Melancholy, she fade away
Su blanco corazón se para                                         Her white heart stop
De luz ya no resplandece                                           Her light don’t shine more
Ya nadie la cantaba                                                   Nobody sing to her
Los poetas en sus loas                                               Poets in their praises
La abandonaran                                                         forgot her
Los gatos no la maullaran                                         Cats don’t miaos for her
Los lobos sus aullidos                                              Wolfs. don’t howl
No le dedicaran.                                                        For her
A punto estaba de irse                                               She were about to leave
De fundirse en la noche                                            Disappeared into the night
Que oscura así quedaba                                             That so dark remain
Cuando tú apareciste                                                 When you turn up
Y de tanta alegría                                                      And so glad was her
De nuevo se llenara                                                  That plenty was again
Mandó apartar a las sombras                                    She order the shadows go away
Las nubes despejara                                                  Clouds as well
Haces de plata desprende                                         Silver beams give off
Que sobre ti derrama                                                And come over you
Si la luna estuviera bella                                             If moon look beautifull
Cuanto más bella tú estuvieras                                   How much beautifull you look!
Al iluminarte ella.                                                     Under her light
La luna se muestra inquieta                                     Moon was restless
Por el cielo corretea                                                 Run by the sky
Para no perder tu huella                                           Don’t lose your trace for
Siguiendo siempre tus pasos                                    Always following your steeps
Perderte ella no quisiera                                           She don’t want to lose you again
Espera impaciente                                                     And wait impatient
A que te fijes en ella.                                                The moment you put your eyes on her
Y unado lo hiciste su luz                                          And, when you did it, her light
Se hizo más intensa                                                  More intense bright
Contagió su alegría al cielo                                     And pass on her glad to the sky
Que de hermosos colores se llenara                         It of beautifull colours full was
Compitieron firmamento, luna y tierra                    Firmament, moon and land compete
En emular tu belleza                                                 For your beauty emulate
La luna te cubre                                                         And moon cover you
Con un manto de plata                                              With a silver made coat
Y tu cabeza                                                                 And your head
De perlas llenara.                                                        With pearls adorm
Y tú te miras en el lago                                                And you look at the lake
Sintiéndote así de bella                                               You feel so pretty
Y en el agua                                                                 And in the water
También ella se refleja                                                 She look at as well
Argentadas las aguas deja                                             Silvery water become
Para que espejo de plata                                                As a silver made mirrow
A ti te pareciera                                                              Just for you
Pues es lo que merece                                                     Because It is what deserve
Lo sublime de tu estampa.                                              Your sublime reflection
Mirándote está el cielo entero                                        All the sky is looking you
Y hasta las más hermosas estrellas                                 And even the most lovely stars
A tu beldad compararse no pudieran                               Can’t compare with your beauty
Y avergonzadas y celosas se tapan.                                 And ashamed and jealous they hide. 
Las de las constelaciones más hermosas                         And thats who belong to the most lovely
A tus pies se rindieran                                                      Surrended under your feets
Y caer del cielo quisieran                                                 Want to fall from the sky
Para convertirse en tus sandalias                                      And turn into your sandal
Y cuando la luna, ya cansada                                            And when the tired moon
De la noche se despidiera                                                  Said goodby to the night
Al naciente sol con pasión                                                 With the rising sun, passionately
De ti le hablara.                                                                  Was talking about you
Poniendo en su relato                                                         Putting on his tale
Todo el ardor que tu despertaras                                          All the ardor you arouse
Y la pasión                                                                           And the passion
Que sólo la luna llena arranca.                                             That only the full moon arouse
Del dédalo de tus rizos                                                         About the labyrinth of yours curls
También le hablara                                                               As well she talked
De cómo su luz argentada                                                    How her silvery light
Con ellos jugueteara.                                                            Played with them
Y de cómo entonces                                                            And how then
El fuego de tu pelo                                                              The fire from your hair
Como hoguera en mi prendiera                                            As a bonfire, set fire to me
Y te convirtieras en una Diosa selenita                                  And you becomes a lunar queen.
Por las estrellas adorada                                                         By the stars adored
Por mi deseada                                                                        By me desired
Pues a Fobos también la luna                                                 Since to Fobos as well the moon related
Celosa le dijera                                                                      Jealous
El cuanto yo te miraba                                                           How I was gazing you
Al verte tan bella, tan sublinme                                              So beautifull, so sublime
Bajo la luz argentada.                                                            Under the silvery light
De cómo, casi oir pudiera                                                     Almost she can hear
El cómo yo te hablaba                                                          How I was talking to you
Poesía ponía en mi boca                                                       She put poetry in my mouth
Que a ti te emocionara.                                                         To try to move you
Y a tu corazón                                                                        With hope that my words
mis palabras llegaran                                                              Reach your heart
como mensajeras                                                                    As messengers
de mi propio corazón                                                             Of my own heart
que por ti palpitaba                                                                 That is beating for you
Y cómo desde el cielo                                                              And how the moon from the sky
Bailar nos viera                                                                         Was watching us dancing
En el hechizo de la noche                                                         In the charm of the night
Buscando su magia.                                                                  Looking for a magic moment
Vierame la luna                                                                          Moon looked me
Perderme en tu mirada                                                              Be lost in your gaze
Viendo en tus pupilas                                                               Discovering in yours pupils
Toda su luz concentrada.                                                         All the moonlight shut up
Bebiéndome tu risa                                                                  Drinking your laugh
Hasta emborracharme de ti                                                       Untill to be drunk of you
Y perder el sentido                                                                    And lose the sense
Queriendo apoderarme de tu alma.                                          Because of my wish for seize your soul
Y tu cuerpo hacerlo mio                                                            I’d like seize your body
Sumirlo con pasión                                                                   And merge it with passion
Con el mío                                                                                 Into mine
En una noche eterna.                                                                 In a ethernal night
En que el deseo y la devoción                                                  In wich, desire and devotion
Nunca acabaran.                                                                       Never finish
La luna espera impaciente                                                        Moon look forward,
Volver a poner coronas de estrellas                                           Put crown of stars again
En tu cabeza                                                                               On your head
Y en tu pecho la luz infinita                                                      And in your chest the infinite light
Del Lucero del Alba.                                                                  Of  the Morning Star
Y en tu cuello un collar                                                             And in your neck a necklace
Hecho de astros de plata                                                           Made in silver stars
Y yo espero impaciente                                                             And I wait with impatience
Volver a ti, mi deseada                                                             Come back to you, my desire woman
Fundirme contigo en baile                                                        Merge into you in a dance
Que nunca acabara.                                                                 An ethernal dance
Sentir tu corazón                                                                      Fell your heart
Latiendo junto al mío                                                               Beating next to mine
Volverme loco con tu mirada.                                                 Drive mad cause of your gaze
Sentir sobre mí tus manos                                                       Fell yours hands on me
Que tú las mías fuertes                                                            That you feel mines, strongs
Sobre ti notaras.                                                                      On you
Y no perderte                                                                          And don’t lose you
Aunque la luna se apagara                                                       Even if moon was death
Y las estrellas cayeran                                                             And stars fall from the sky
Estar a tu lado deseara.                                                            Even then, I’ll wish stay with you

Tito del Muro
Agosto 2.012


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